Key information regarding DFE guidance
Permanent exclusions should only take place:
in response to a serious breach or persistent breaches of the school’s behaviour policy; and
where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.
All exclusions must follow the correct procedure as set out in the Department for Education’s Statutory Exclusion guidance – check that you are using the current guidance found here.
All exclusions must be officially recorded as exclusions.
All exclusions must be for disciplinary reasons only.
All schools must have a behavioural policy for pupils to follow.
Headteachers should, as far as possible, avoid permanently excluding looked after children.
Headteachers should, as far as possible, avoid permanently excluding children with EHC plans for special educational needs.
Pupils cannot be excluded for poor academic attainment or for reasons relating to the actions of their parents.
The headteacher’s decision to exclude must be taken on the ‘balance of probabilities’. That means that it is more likely than not that the pupil did what they are accused of.
Headteachers must not send a pupil home to ‘cool off’ even if parents or carers agree, this would amount to an unofficial and therefore unlawful exclusion.
Headteachers must give a pupil the opportunity to share their views.
If a child with SEN (or potential SEN) is showing poor behaviour or is at risk of exclusion, the head teacher must look first at what additional support could reasonably be put in place.
Headteachers must demonstrate to the Governors that their school is already using a range of strategies to support this pupil including support from the Inclusive Advisory Service, the school’s Educational Psychologist and an Early Help or MASH referral.
Headteachers must find out if there is anything that hasn’t already been mentioned at school by other members of the school community that will help them come to the right decision.
Headteachers should look at providing extra support to groups who are known to be at a greater risk of exclusion.
Parents/carers must always have the opportunity to request that the exclusion be reviewed by the School Governors and the pupil’s account should always be heard where possible.
Pupil voice – Key questions to ask and consider
Is there anything currently happening in or out of school that might in some way explain your behaviour?
Has anything happened in or out of school in the past that I need to take into consideration?
Is there anything currently happening at home or outside school that might in some way explain your behaviour?
Take account of any factors which may have contributed to the poor behaviour. These might include:
mental health issues
unidentified SEN
domestic violence
friendship problems
Do the Police and MASH need to be involved?
Incidents where you might involve the Police:
• Criminal damage
• Cyber crime
• Drugs
• Harassment
• Sexual offences
• Theft
• Weapons
Guidance from the NSPCC, Child Centred Policing has helpful flowcharts to assist in making the right decision.
In an emergency call 999, otherwise call the Safer Schools Police Team (for secondary schools) on 020 8733 5857 or call 101 (for primary schools).
If there is a safeguarding or child protection risk a MASH referral must be made mash@barnet.gov.uk. If you are unsure you can always call MASH 020 8359 4066 to seek advice.
Avoiding the need to exclude
Pupils with EHCPs
If a pupil with an EHC Plan is to receive a fixed term exclusion/suspension the school must always inform the pupil’s SEN case worker. If the need to use fixed term exclusion persists then the school should consider calling an Urgent Annual Review.
If a pupil with an EHCP is at risk of permanent exclusion, the school should follow the DFE guidance and work with the local authority to avoid the exclusion. This would involve liaison with the school’s SEN case worker and calling an urgent Annual Review to identify that the placement has broken down and an alternative educational setting needs to be explored.
Children who are Looked After
The school should always avoid excluding a pupil with LAC status. If a LAC pupil is to receive a fixed term exclusion/suspension the school must always inform the pupil’s case worker in the virtual School. If the need to use fixed term exclusion persists then the school should consider requesting a meeting with the pupil’s Virtual School case worker and social worker.
If a LAC pupil is at risk of permanent exclusion, the school should follow the DFE guidance and work with the local authority to avoid the exclusion. This would involve liaison with the case worker, social worker and any other agencies involved to seek an alternative educational setting.
Alternative to a fixed term exclusion/suspension
Reciprocal arrangements, for pupils subject to a fixed term exclusion/suspension, were agreed many years ago through BIP (Behaviour Improvement Programme). At the time, these were effective in ensuring that pupils remained in education even when they had an external fixed term exclusion from school for one day or more. Many schools paired up, with agreements in place, to facilitate easy access of information, arrangements, contacts and agreed processes of working.
This strategy was further developed by schools in that it was implemented as an alternative to a fixed term exclusion (ATE), using the exclusion criteria as a guide in determining the sanction.
This protocol and resource pack has been written in line with DfE guidance on exclusion to enable the strategy to have a clear purpose in that it will be used by schools as an alternative to a fixed term exclusion. Parents are under no obligation to comply with an alternative to exclusion and if refused, the school can issue a formal fixed term exclusion (suspension).
Secondary schools using ATE will be provided with a PRU mentor and primary schools will receive support from IAT. BICS, with parent’s permission, will also welcome referrals for pupils even if the ATE is only for one day.
Preventing exclusion – The Preventing Exclusion of Black Boys Project
Nationally Barnet Black pupils are doing comparatively well compared to Black pupils nationally. However, compared to White pupils and other ethnic groups in Barnet there is disproportionality with regards to Black pupils’ attainment, exclusion rates and life outcomes.
With support from Barnet, BELS launched The Preventing Exclusion of Black Boys Project with a conference in September 2021 to highlight the issue and provide practical support and advice to schools. Another conference is planned for January 2022.
Support available to schools
The Inclusion Advisory Team – Joann Moore joann.moore@barnet.gov.uk
Schools can access commissioned advice and support for pupils at risk of permanent exclusion and schools using the Alternative to Exclusion strategy. IAT also provide an array of traded services. For pupils serving an Alternative to Exclusion please use the referral form and sent it to ATE@barnet.gov.uk
The Pavilion Study Centre - Joanne Kelly head@pavilion.barnet.sch.uk
Schools can access commissioned mentors for pupils at risk of exclusion and for pupils serving an Alternative to Exclusion, please use the referral form and sent it to ATE@barnet.gov.uk and Jo Kelly. The PRU also provide traded services including respite.
Barnet Integrated Clinical Services (BICS)
BICS provide a range of services to support pupils at risk of exclusion, including challenging behaviour workshops for parents and the Grahame Park Estate Girls Group.
Contacts for BICS
If you would like to contact BICS, please e-mail BICS@barnet.gov.uk
If you need to talk to us, please call our Support Line on 07926 085495 between 09:00 to 17:00 hours
For further information please see www.barnet.gov.uk/bics (includes leaflets for groups, workshops and family therapy)
Education Psychology Service – liaise with your school’s EP
View a range of statutory Educational Psychology services on the Barnet Local Offer
or view their traded services offer here.
Early Intervention is about taking action as soon as possible to tackle problems for children and families before they become more difficult to reverse (Early Intervention Foundation). We should aim to identify children, young people and families that may be at risk of future difficulties and provide them with timely and effective support.
Early Help can involve a range of professionals from a wide range of agencies including health, schools, housing, youth work, child & adolescent mental health, substance misuse and domestic violence professionals who can work together to assess and intervene in a family’s difficulties.
If there are child protection concerns - always refer to the Barnet Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) without delay.
Learn how to access Early Help support here
Early Help Hubs
Click here to learn which Early Help Hub your school is allocated to.
East Central Based at Newstead Children’s Centre
Service Manager – Michaela Carlowe (michaela.carlowe@barnet.gov.uk )
Team Managers – Sally Bye, (sally.bye@barnet.gov.uk) Sarah O’Donavan (sarah.o’donovan@barnet.gov.uk)
West based at Barnet and Southgate College – Colindale
Service Manager - Andrea Mullings (Andrea.mullings@barnet.gov.uk)
Team Managers – Mark Vargeson, (mark.vargeson@barnet.gov.uk) Marisa Manco – Cox, (marisa.manco-cox@barnet.gov.uk)
South based at Parkfield Children’s Centre
Service Manager – Faith Robertson (faith.robertson@barnet.gov.uk)
Team Managers - Marianna Nicolaou (Marianna.nicolaou@barnet.gov.uk) Shantha.Shanmuganathan (shanta.shanmuganathan@barnet.gov.uk)
Whole school interventions
Educational Psychology Team
The Educational Psychology Team have a range of training packages covering Emotional Coaching, ELSA, Zones of Regulation– contact your school’s EP. Learn more about their statutory offer by visiting their page on the Local Offer or learn more about their traded services here.
Inclusion Advisory Team (IAT) - Joann Moore joanne.moore@barnet.gov.uk.
Includes Early identification of SEND tool kit, Prevention of Exclusion training, and the SENCO Challenge. Learn about statutory resources in the borough and support for pupils at risk of exclusion by visiting their page on the Local Offer, or learn more about IAT's traded services here.
Resilient Schools – Pastoral Forum and Embedding Emotional Coaching
Offered as a statutory service, the Resilient Schools programme takes a whole-school approach to promote and build resilience in schools and address mental health concerns early on. Learn more about the programme here or by contacting Jayne.abbott@barnet.gov.uk
Growing Against Violence –
A range of workshops for pupils covering:
Social media
Peer pressure
Stop and Search
Knife crime
View the GAV programme offer here.
Contact jane.morris@barnet.gov.uk or Shaun Wilshire Shaun@growingagainstviolence.org.uk to learn more about the GAV Workshops and to take part.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion consultants - BPSI
Early Years
The Barnet Partnership for School Improvement (BPSI) offers traded services for Early Years, including:
The Amazing Project – helen.cheung@barnet.gov.uk
Talk Boost
Visit the BPSI website to learn more.
Alternative provision
Reintegration package at The Pavilion/Meadway - Call 020 8446 1533
Contact Jo Kelly or Kevin Matthews, Deputy Headteacher to discuss pupil. If they think they could accommodate the pupil you will need to complete a referral form. The PRU’s SLT will discuss to establish where they think the pupil would be best placed e.g. Meadway site if KS3 or particular vulnerabilities or Whetstone-usually KS4.
It is essential that you monitor attendance on a daily basis-make sure your Attendance Officer is proactive at calling to check. You will need to retain evidence of this and follow procedures as above.
Managed Move with Another School
If you feel a fresh start in another school is in the best interests of the pupil, discuss this with the parent/carer(s) and identify potential schools. Contact the school(s) and be open and honest about the case. The receiving school may be willing to meet the pupil and their family to consider the possibility of the move. It is recommended that the agreement would be for a trial period, usually a term. If the managed move is successful then the pupil migrates onto the receiving school’s roll, if unsuccessful, then the pupil is returned to the main school.
Manged moves can only take place with the consent of all parties and parent/carers must never feel under pressure/threat to accept a managed move.
Manged moves for pupils with SEND must always be with the input and consent of the pupil’s SEN caseworker and SEN Panel, as this would constitute a change of educational placement.
Managed moves for pupils who are LAC must always be with the input and agreement of the Virtual School.
If managed move is agreed-you will need to complete the ‘manged move’ form and return it to helen.zandes@barnet.gov.uk to log on the In Year Fair Access gid.
Key Exclusions Information from the DFE guidance
Permanent exclusions should only take place:
in response to a serious breach or persistent breaches of the school’s behaviour policy; and
where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.
All exclusions must follow the correct procedure as set out in the Department for Education’s Statutory Exclusion guidance – check that you are using the current guidance found here.
​If there is a safeguarding or child protection risk a MASH referral must be made mash@barnet.gov.uk. If you are unsure, you can always call MASH 020 8359 4066 to seek advice.
Barnet Integrated Clinical Services (BICS)
BICS provide a range of services to support pupils at risk of exclusion.
Contacts for BICS:
If you would like to contact BICS, please e-mail BICS@barnet.gov.uk
If you need to talk to us, please call our Support Line on 020 8359 3130 between 09:00 to 17:00 hours
For further information please see www.barnet.gov.uk/bics (includes leaflets for groups, workshops and family therapy)
Informing the local authority of suspensions and exclusions is statutory please find below the links to use from September 2024:
Exclusion: www.tinyurl.com/Barnet6Day
Suspension: www.tinyurl.com/BarnetSuspension
This webpage is being further updated Autumn Term 2024.